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Exploring the Exciting World of PMU and the Opportunities Abound



The world of Permanent Makeup is not just about enhancing beauty, it is a vibrant industry brimming with creativity, innovation, and diverse career opportunities. Whether you are passionate about artistry, enjoy working closely with clients, or thrive in educational roles, the PMU industry offers a plethora of avenues to explore. Lets delve into some of the exciting opportunities that await within this dynamic field.

Performing Services for Clients

At the heart of the PMU industry lies the art of enhancing natural beauty through techniques like microblading, eyebrow tattooing, lip blush, and eyeliner tattooing. PMU artists are skilled professionals who meticulously tailor their services to each clients unique features and preferences. Whether it is creating natural looking brows or adding a pop of color to lips, PMU artists have the opportunity to transform and boost their clients confidence through their artistic expertise.

Working as a Judge in PMU Competitions

For those with a discerning eye and a deep appreciation for skillful craftsmanship, becoming a judge in PMU competitions can be an immensely rewarding path. PMU competitions showcase the talent and creativity of artists from around the world, pushing boundaries and setting new standards in the industry. As a judge, I have the privilege of evaluating technique, creativity, and overall execution, while also contributing to the growth and recognition of exceptional artists

Testing Products Before Market Launch

Innovation drives the PMU industry forward, with new products and tools constantly being developed to enhance techniques and improve results. As a PMU professional, I have had the opportunity to test and provide feedback on these products before they are launched into the market. This role not only allows me to stay at the forefront of industry trends but also influences the evolution of PMU tools and techniques

4. Teaching, Training, and Speaking Engagements

This area has been enriching my career and knowledge significantly. Sharing knowledge and expertise is a cornerstone of the PMU community. Experienced PMU artists often transition into teaching roles, offering workshops, seminars, and training programs to aspiring artists eager to learn and refine their skills. Whether instructing beginners or conducting advanced masterclasses, teaching in the PMU industry allows you to inspire others and contribute to the growth of future professionals. Additionally, speaking engagements at industry conferences and events provide a platform to share insights, showcase techniques, and network with fellow experts

Why Choose a Career in PMU?

The PMU industry not only offers diverse career paths but also fosters a sense of community among professionals who are passionate about beauty, artistry, and innovation. Whether you are drawn to the meticulous precision of creating flawless brows, the thrill of judging competitions, the opportunity to influence product development, or the satisfaction of mentoring aspiring artists, there is a place for you in the dynamic world of PMU

Embrace the Possibilities

Reach out to me, I have been a PMU mentor for several years. Book a Q and A call with me. As you consider your career aspirations, remember that the PMU industry is as limitless as your imagination. Whether you are starting out or looking to expand your horizons, the opportunities within PMU are vast and varied. Embrace the possibilities, hone your skills, and immerse yourself in a rewarding career where creativity, professionalism, and passion converge. Yo can book your call directly from the main menu.

Join the Journey

Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey in the PMU industry? Explore your interests, cultivate your talents, and discover the myriad opportunities awaiting you. Whether you dream of creating stunning transformations for clients, shaping industry standards as a judge, influencing product innovation, or educating the next generation of PMU artists, the world of PMU is yours to explore and thrive in.

Take the first step today and let your passion for beauty and artistry flourish in the dynamic world of Permanent Makeup

Navigating the Tattoo Removal Journey



The Art of Patience

Embarking on the journey of tattoo removal can be both a liberating and challenging experience. Whether it is a decision fueled by changing tastes, life events, or personal growth, the process demands a crucial element, patience. In this blog, we will explore why patience is key during a tattoo removal process and how the combination of laser and chemical removal methods can be a strategic approach to expedite the transformation


Embarking on the journey of tattoo removal can be both a liberating and challenging experience. Whether it is a decision fueled by changing tastes, life events, or personal growth, the process demands a crucial element, patience. In this blog, we will explore why patience is key during a tattoo removal process and how the combination of laser and chemical removal methods can be a strategic approach to expedite the transformation.

The nature of patience

Tattoo removal is not an overnight transformation. It is a gradual process that requires time, commitment, and perseverance. Understanding that the ink embedded in the skin will not disappear immediately is the first step toward a successful removal journey. Patience becomes a guiding force, helping individuals navigate the emotional and physical aspects of the process.

Laser Tattoo Removal, A Precision Technique

Laser tattoo removal has emerged as a precise and effective method for breaking down tattoo pigments. However, it often requires multiple sessions spaced weeks apart to allow the body to naturally eliminate the shattered particles. Patience is crucial as the skin needs time to heal between sessions. Rushing the process can lead to complications such as scarring or unwanted pigmentation changes.

The synergy of removal

Combining laser treatments with chemical removal can be a strategic approach to expedite the fading of a tattoo. Chemical removal involves applying specially formulated solutions that penetrate the skin to break down tattoo pigments. This dual action method accelerates the bodys natural response to eliminate the ink, offering a comprehensive and efficient solution.

The importance of consultation

Patience is not synonymous with passivity. Seeking professional advice and thoroughly understanding the tattoo removal process is an active and essential step. A qualified tattoo removal specialist can assess the tattoo, skin type, and overall health to create a tailored plan. Open communication and realistic expectations are integral components of a successful removal journey.

Embracing the process

Patience extends beyond the physical aspects of tattoo removal, it encompasses the emotional journey as well. Witnessing a tattoo gradually fade can stir various emotions. Embracing the healing process involves acknowledging and understanding these feelings, fostering a positive mindset, and celebrating the progress made during each session.


In the realm of tattoo removal, patience truly becomes a virtue. It is the key that unlocks the door to a successful transformation. By combining the precision of laser removal with the efficiency of chemical methods, individuals can navigate the journey with a strategic approach. Embracing patience, seeking professional guidance, and maintaining a positive outlook empower individuals to reclaim their skin and embrace the freedom that comes with a fresh canvas.

Permanent Makeup Who is it For?



Permanent Makeup PMU has emerged as a revolutionary solution in the beauty industry, offering long lasting enhancements for various features. Tailored to meet the needs of a diverse clientele, permanent makeup is no longer exclusive to a specific demographic. In this blog, we will explore the diverse group of individuals for whom permanent makeup is an appealing and beneficial option

Busy professionals

For individuals with hectic schedules, like busy professionals or career focused individuals, permanent makeup is a time saving solution. It eliminates the need for daily makeup application, providing a polished and put together appearance without the time investment.

Athletes and Fitness Enthusiasts

Active individuals, such as athletes and fitness enthusiasts, often find traditional makeup smudging or running during workouts. PMU offers a sweat resistant and waterproof alternative, ensuring a consistently fresh look even during intense physical activities

People with Limited Mobility

Individuals with limited mobility, whether due to age, disability, or other factors, may find it challenging to apply makeup daily. Permanent makeup can be a game changer, allowing them to enjoy enhanced features without the need for intricate daily routines

Those with Allergies or Sensitivities

People with allergies or sensitivities to traditional makeup products may benefit from permanent makeup. PMU uses hypoallergenic pigments, reducing the risk of adverse reactions and providing a safe alternative for individuals with sensitive skin

Individuals with Sparse Eyebrows or Eyelashes

Those with sparse or thin eyebrows and eyelashes often seek the transformative effects of permanent makeup. Techniques like microblading or eyelash enhancement can create the illusion of fuller, well defined brows and lashes, enhancing facial features

Alopecia or hair loss sufferers

Individuals dealing with conditions like alopecia, which cause hair loss, may choose permanent makeup to restore the appearance of eyebrows or eyelashes. This not only addresses aesthetic concerns but also boosts confidence and self esteem.

Beauty enthusiasts

Permanent makeup appeals to beauty enthusiasts who are passionate about maintaining a flawless appearance. Whether it is perfectly shaped eyebrows, defined eyeliner, or lip color, PMU allows beauty aficionados to achieve a polished look effortlessly

Post surgery or medical procedures

Patients who have undergone surgeries or medical procedures that result in changes to facial features may turn to permanent makeup for reconstructive purposes. PMU can help restore natural looking eyebrows, eyeliner, or lip color following such procedures. Permanent Makeup caters to a diverse range of individuals, providing practical solutions for various lifestyles and preferences. From those seeking time efficiency to individuals with specific aesthetic concerns, permanent makeup offers a customizable and long lasting enhancement. As technology and techniques continue to advance, the inclusivity of permanent makeup ensures that more people can benefit from its transformative effects. Book your appointment now by calling 740 6371554

Permanent Makeup: Who is it For?



Permanent Makeup PMU has emerged as a revolutionary solution in the beauty industry, offering long lasting enhancements for various features. Tailored to meet the needs of a diverse clientele, permanent makeup is no longer exclusive to a specific demographic. In this blog, we will explore the diverse group of individuals for whom permanent makeup is an appealing and beneficial option

Busy professionals

For individuals with hectic schedules, like busy professionals or career focused individuals, permanent makeup is a time saving solution. It eliminates the need for daily makeup application, providing a polished and put together appearance without the time investment.

Athletes and Fitness Enthusiasts

Active individuals, such as athletes and fitness enthusiasts, often find traditional makeup smudging or running during workouts. PMU offers a sweat resistant and waterproof alternative, ensuring a consistently fresh look even during intense physical activities

People with Limited Mobility

Individuals with limited mobility, whether due to age, disability, or other factors, may find it challenging to apply makeup daily. Permanent makeup can be a game changer, allowing them to enjoy enhanced features without the need for intricate daily routines

Those with Allergies or Sensitivities

People with allergies or sensitivities to traditional makeup products may benefit from permanent makeup. PMU uses hypoallergenic pigments, reducing the risk of adverse reactions and providing a safe alternative for individuals with sensitive skin

Individuals with Sparse Eyebrows or Eyelashes

Those with sparse or thin eyebrows and eyelashes often seek the transformative effects of permanent makeup. Techniques like microblading or eyelash enhancement can create the illusion of fuller, well defined brows and lashes, enhancing facial features

Alopecia or hair loss sufferers

Individuals dealing with conditions like alopecia, which cause hair loss, may choose permanent makeup to restore the appearance of eyebrows or eyelashes. This not only addresses aesthetic concerns but also boosts confidence and self esteem.

Beauty enthusiasts

Permanent makeup appeals to beauty enthusiasts who are passionate about maintaining a flawless appearance. Whether it is perfectly shaped eyebrows, defined eyeliner, or lip color, PMU allows beauty aficionados to achieve a polished look effortlessly

Post surgery or medical procedures

Patients who have undergone surgeries or medical procedures that result in changes to facial features may turn to permanent makeup for reconstructive purposes. PMU can help restore natural looking eyebrows, eyeliner, or lip color following such procedures. Permanent Makeup caters to a diverse range of individuals, providing practical solutions for various lifestyles and preferences. From those seeking time efficiency to individuals with specific aesthetic concerns, permanent makeup offers a customizable and longlasting enhancement. As technology and techniques continue to advance, the inclusivity of permanent makeup ensures that more people can benefit from its transformative effects. Book your appointment now by calling 740 6371554

Enhancing Daily Routine: Overcoming Challenges with Eyeliner Application and the Benefits of PMU Eyeliner



The quest for perfectly applied eyeliner is a daily struggle for many individuals, especially those with blurry vision. Achieving precision can be a daunting task, and smudges or uneven lines may resu

Blurry vision? lack of precision?

Blurry vision can make it difficult to achieve the precision needed for a well defined eyeliner look. The fine motor skills required for applying a straight and even line along the lash line can be compromised, leading to uneven or wobbly results.

Smudging and Cleanup Hassles

Individuals with blurry vision often struggle with unintentional smudging during the application process. Cleaning up smudges can be frustrating and time consuming, potentially causing irritation and ruining the rest of the eye makeup.

Inconsistent Thickness

Achieving consistent thickness in eyeliner application can be challenging for those with blurry vision. The inability to gauge the appropriate pressure or distance from the lash line may result in uneven lines or overly thick eyeliner

Extended application time

Individuals with blurry vision may spend a significant amount of time applying eyeliner, striving for perfection. This extended application time can become a burdensome part of the daily routine, especially for those with busy schedules.

How PMU Eyeliner Can Benefit Your Daily Routine:

Time saving solution

PMU eyeliner provides a time saving solution for individuals with blurry vision. With the precision of the procedure and long lasting results, there is no need for daily application, freeing up valuable time in the morning routine.

Consistent professional results

Permanent Makeup eyeliner is applied by skilled technicians, ensuring a consistent and professional look. The precise application eliminates the need for individuals to struggle with achieving symmetry and precision every day.

Water and smudge proof

PMU eyeliner is resistant to water and smudging, addressing the common issues faced by those with blurry vision during daily application. This ensures that the eyeliner remains intact throughout the day, providing a worry free solution for busy lifestyles. For those grappling with blurry vision, achieving flawless eyeliner can be a daily struggle. Permanent Makeup eyeliner offers a transformative solution, providing consistent, professional results that save time and enhance confidence. By considering PMU eyeliner, individuals can simplify their daily routines and enjoy the benefits of long lasting, precisely applied eyeliner without the challenges posed by impaired eyesight. BOOK your appointment now from the main menu

The Risks of Permanent Brow Color: Navigating Potential Pitfalls in Microblading and Pigment Procedures



Permanent makeup techniques like microblading and pigment brow color have gained immense popularity for their ability to deliver long lasting, natural looking results. However, as with any cosmetic pr

Color Changes and Fading

One of the primary concerns with permanent brow color procedures is the potential for color changes over time. Pigments may fade or shift in hue due to various factors such as exposure to sunlight, sk

Unpredictable Healing Process

The healing process after microblading or pigment brow color is crucial for achieving optimal results. However, individual responses to the procedure can vary. Factors like skin type, age, and overall

Uneven patchy results

Achieving symmetry and even color in microblading and pigment brow color requires skill and precision. Inexperienced technicians or those lacking attention to detail may result in uneven distribution

Allergic reactions

Allergic reactions to pigments used in permanent makeup are rare but not unheard of. Individuals may develop redness, itching, or swelling in the treated area. It is crucial to conduct thorough allergy testing before the procedure to identify potential sensitivities and avoid adverse reactions and this can lead to uneven healed pigment color.

Infection and Complications

Inadequate hygiene during the procedure or insufficient aftercare can increase the risk of infections. Bacterial or fungal infections can lead to complications such as inflammation, pain, and even affect the retention of pigment. Strict adherence to proper hygiene practices and aftercare instructions is essential to minimize these risks

Pigment migration

In some cases, pigment may migrate from the intended area, resulting in a blurred or undefined appearance. Factors like excessive manipulation of the treated area during healing, poor technique, or the use of low quality pigments can contribute to unwanted pigment migration

Long term regret with microblading

Trends in beauty are dynamic, and what may be fashionable today might not be tomorrow. Individuals who opt for specific brow shapes or colors may find themselves regretting their decision over time. Unlike traditional makeup, permanent brow color leaves little room for modification without additional procedures, leading to potential long term dissatisfaction.


While microblading and pigment brow color procedures offer the allure of long lasting, effortless beauty, it is crucial to understand the potential risks involved. Individuals considering permanent makeup should thoroughly research qualified technicians, adhere to proper aftercare guidelines, and manage their expectations realistically. By being aware of the possible pitfalls associated with pigment brow color, individuals can make informed decisions and increase the likelihood of a positive and satisfying outcome. If you are experiencing color discoloration, such as red, blue, green, or gray tones in your eyebrows, we can rectify the issue and in some cases create new eyebrows in the same session!

The Rise of Permanent Makeup Services in Detroit



Detroit, a city known for its resilience and revival, is witnessing a new wave of beauty transformations with the increasing popularity of permanent makeup services. This transformative approach to en

The Artistry of Permanent Makeup

Permanent makeup, also known as micropigmentation, involves the application of pigments to create long lasting, natural-looking enhancements to various facial features. From perfectly sculpted eyebrow

Tailored to Detroits Dynamic Lifestyle

The vibrant and dynamic lifestyle of Detroit residents demands beauty solutions that stand up to busy schedules. Permanent makeup services perfectly align with this need, providing a time saving and d

Empowering Confidence

Detroiters are no strangers to confidence, and permanent makeup services contribute to boosting self esteem and confidence. Whether it is addressing sparse eyebrows, uneven lip pigmentation, or the desire for well defined eyes, these services empower individuals to feel more confident in their skin.

The Professional Touch

Choosing the right professional for permanent makeup services is crucial. Detroit boasts a growing community of skilled and certified technicians who excel in the art of micropigmentation. These professionals prioritize client satisfaction, ensuring that each enhancement is customized to complement individual features and preferences.

The Detroit Difference

Permanent makeup services in Detroit reflect the citys spirit bold, vibrant, and unapologetically authentic. The artists in this field understand the unique beauty needs of Detroit residents and cater to a diverse range of preferences, ensuring that each client leaves with a look that enhances their individuality.

Your Personalized Permanent Makeup Journey

Considering permanent makeup in Detroit? Your journey begins with a consultation with a skilled technician who understands your goals and desires. From there, the process is tailored to suit your features, ensuring a personalized and natural look that aligns with your lifestyle.


Detroit embrace of permanent makeup services reflects not just a trend but a commitment to self expression and confidence. As more individuals experience the convenience and beauty enhancements these services provide, the landscape of beauty in Detroit continues to evolve

If you are ready to redefine your beauty routine and embrace the freedom that permanent makeup offers, Bespoke Permanent cosmetics in Detroit is the perfect city to embark on this transformative journey. Enhance your features, boost your confidence, and embrace the artistry of permanent makeup in the Motor City. Come and see us for a consultation it is very easy to book one from here. Simply tap on the menu. We are looking forward to meeting you soon!

The Rise of Permanent Makeup Services in Detroit



Detroit, a city known for its resilience and revival, is witnessing a new wave of beauty transformations with the increasing popularity of permanent makeup services. This transformative approach to en

The Artistry of Permanent Makeup

Permanent makeup, also known as micropigmentation, involves the application of pigments to create long-lasting, natural-looking enhancements to various facial features. From perfectly sculpted eyebrow

Tailored to Detroits Dynamic Lifestyle

The vibrant and dynamic lifestyle of Detroit residents demands beauty solutions that stand up to busy schedules. Permanent makeup services perfectly align with this need, providing a time-saving and d

Empowering Confidence

Detroiters are no strangers to confidence, and permanent makeup services contribute to boosting self esteem and confidence. Whether it is addressing sparse eyebrows, uneven lip pigmentation, or the desire for well defined eyes, these services empower individuals to feel more confident in their skin.

The Professional Touch

Choosing the right professional for permanent makeup services is crucial. Detroit boasts a growing community of skilled and certified technicians who excel in the art of micropigmentation. These professionals prioritize client satisfaction, ensuring that each enhancement is customized to complement individual features and preferences.

The Detroit Difference

Permanent makeup services in Detroit reflect the citys spirit bold, vibrant, and unapologetically authentic. The artists in this field understand the unique beauty needs of Detroit residents and cater to a diverse range of preferences, ensuring that each client leaves with a look that enhances their individuality.

Your Personalized Permanent Makeup Journey

Considering permanent makeup in Detroit? Your journey begins with a consultation with a skilled technician who understands your goals and desires. From there, the process is tailored to suit your features, ensuring a personalized and natural look that aligns with your lifestyle.


Detroit embrace of permanent makeup services reflects not just a trend but a commitment to selfexpression and confidence. As more individuals experience the convenience and beauty enhancements these services provide, the landscape of beauty in Detroit continues to evolve

If you are ready to redefine your beauty routine and embrace the freedom that permanent makeup offers, Bespoke Permanent cosmetics in Detroit is the perfect city to embark on this transformative journey. Enhance your features, boost your confidence, and embrace the artistry of permanent makeup in the Motor City. Come and see us for a consultation it is very easy to book one from here. Simply tap on the menu. We are looking forward to meeting you soon!

Fall is a wonderful season that offers unique opportunities to enhance your beauty routine and take care of your skin, hair, and overall well being.



Hair care

Fall weather can make your hair dry and brittle. Consider using a hydrating hair mask or deep conditioner to keep your locks healthy. Also, limit the use of heat styling tools to prevent further damage.

DIY at Home Mask for Thin Hair

Make a banana protein smoothie for your hair. Rich with amino acid to boost elasticity, strengthen and add thickness. Try it out!


2 egg yolks 2 peeled ripe bananas 2-3 tbsp of honey half a cup of conditioner 2 tbsp of olive oil


Blend ingredients until smooth Fully coat hair with treatment Leave on for 20 to 30 minutes Rinse with cool water

Fall is here! perfect time to reverse sun damage



Hello, sun lovers! Ready to bid adieu to sunspots and embrace flawless skin? Introducing Sunspot Laser Removal – your ticket to spotless, radiant skin! This quick, painless procedure erases sunspots w

Hello, sunshine enthusiasts! We know how much you adore basking in the warm glow of the sun during summer time here in Michigan, but sometimes those delightful moments under the sun leave behind souvenirs we would rather not have sunspots. Fear not, for the beauty world has a magic wand: Sunspot Laser Removal! Picture this: flawless, sun kissed skin without a trace of those pesky spots. Excited? I suggest diving into the sunny world of sunspot laser removal and exploring how it is transforming lives one spot at a time!

Sunspots Begone: The Marvel of Laser Removal

Ah, the joy of the sun on our skin! But those sunspots? They are like unwanted guests at the party of our skin. That is where sunspot laser removal sweeps in as the hero of the day. This incredible procedure uses advanced laser technology to gently erase sunspots, leaving your skin as clear and radiant as a sunlit morning. It is like waving a magic wand over your skin, bidding those spots farewell!

The Happy Journey to Spotless Skin

Imagine stepping out into the world with skin so clear, it radiates like the sun itself! Sunspot laser removal makes this dream a reality. The process is quick, virtually painless, and incredibly effective. With each session, those sunspots fade away, revealing the youthful, glowing skin beneath. It is not just a cosmetic procedure; it is a confidence booster, a mood lifter, and a ticket to a brighter, sunspot free tomorrow!

Why Choose Sunspot Laser Removal?

Oh, the reasons are as bright as the sun itself! Firstly, it Is precise. Laser technology targets only the sun damaged skin, leaving surrounding areas untouched. Secondly, it Is swift. A session often takes less time than your lunch break, and you can resume your day right after, no downtime required! Lastly, it is effective. The gradual fading of sunspots with each session ensures a natural, seamless transition to spotless skin.

The Joyful Aftermath: Confidence in Every Step

Picture this: you, walking confidently under the sun, your skin as clear and radiant as a cloudless sky. That is the gift of sunspot laser removal. It is not just a treatment; it is a happiness inducing, confidence boosting experience. You deserve to feel comfortable and beautiful in your skin, and sunspot laser removal paves the way for that radiant confidence.

Your Sunspot Free Tomorrow Awaits!

Are you ready to bid those sunspots farewell and embrace the flawless, sun kissed skin you deserve? Sunspot laser removal is your ticket to a brighter, happier tomorrow. Say hello to a sunspot, free you and let your natural beauty shine like the sun itself! Book your appointment now on the main menu or give us a call at (740)637-1554

The Magic of Permanent Eyeliner



Can also be call eyeliner a tattoo

Permanent eyeliner involves implanting pigment along the lash line, creating a long lasting eyeliner effect. The advantages are manifold, making it a popular choice in the beauty world. Firstly, it is a time saver, especially for those leading busy lives. Say goodbye to the daily struggle of applying eyeliner; instead, embrace the ease of ready to go eye makeup. Consistency is key, and permanent eyeliner ensures a flawless and smudge free look throughout the day, eliminating the need for constant touch-ups. For individuals with makeup allergies, this procedure is a blessing. The hypoallergenic pigments used in permanent eyeliner make it a safe choice, enhancing beauty without the worry of adverse reactions.

For those with vision challenges or difficulty applying regular makeup, permanent eyeliner offers a hassle free solution. It not only saves time, money, and effort but also boosts confidence, providing effortlessly defined and youthful eyes. Lastly, it is incredibly versatile. Clients can choose their preferred eyeliner style and color, tailoring the solution to their unique preferences and personality.

The application process

Delicacy is at the heart of permanent eyeliner application. Skilled technicians use specialized tools to apply pigment between or above the lashes, creating a natural and enhanced eyeliner appearance. Concerned about pain? Fear not. Topical numbing creams are applied to minimize discomfort, with most clients reporting only mild sensations like tickling during the procedure.

Longevity and Customization

How long does permanent eyeliner last? Its duration varies from person to person, influenced by factors such as skin type, lifestyle, and exposure to sun and cosmetic products. Yet, the beauty of choice prevails. Clients can fully customize their eyeliner style and color. During the consultation, preferences are discussed, allowing the creation of a design that truly reflects individual desires. The process begins with a pencil-drawn design, ensuring your approval before the permanent makeup application commences.

Safety and Recovery

Safety is paramount in any cosmetic procedure. Our skilled technicians prioritize your well being, taking extensive precautions to protect your eyes, especially in delicate areas. Specially designed products and techniques minimize risks, ensuring a safe procedure for your eyes. As for the recovery process, slight swelling and redness may occur initially, but these symptoms typically subside within hours or a day. Proper aftercare, including avoiding eye makeup and sun exposure, is crucial during the healing period.

Embrace effortless beauty

Can you wear regular makeup after permanent eyeliner? Absolutely, but it is wise to avoid applying makeup directly on the treated area for the first few days. Once healed, your regular makeup routine can resume, ensuring your eyes continue to captivate the world. In the pursuit of effortless elegance, permanent eyeliner stands as a beacon. Say goodbye to daily makeup struggles and hello to consistently stunning eyes. Embrace the ease, the choice, and the confidence that come with permanent eyeliner. Your eyes, after all, are the windows to your soul why not adorn them effortlessly and beautifully?

Unveiling the Art of Permanent Lip Color: A Timeless Beauty Solution



In the ever evolving world of beauty, there is a revolutionary solution that has women everywhere embracing the allure of effortless elegance: permanent lip color. I suggest delve into the intricacies of this transformative procedure and explore why it is capturing the hearts of individuals seeking a lasting and flawless lip enhancement.

The Marvel of Permanent Lip Color: A Tattooing Process

Permanent lip color, akin to traditional lipstick in purpose, distinguishes itself through its application process. Expertly administered via a tattooing technique, it offers more than just a cosmetic enhancement. Imagine waking up to perfectly defined lips every day, effortlessly smudge free without the hassle of constant touch ups. That is the beauty of permanent lip color.

How Long Does It Last?

The longevity of permanent lip color varies from person to person, typically spanning between 2 to 5 years. Several factors, such as skin type, lifestyle, and sun exposure, influence the duration of the pigment. It is a commitment to lasting beauty, minimizing the daily makeup routine for years to come.

Customization and Comfort: Tailoring the Perfect Hue

One of the beauties of permanent lip color lies in its versatility. Clients can choose from a myriad of shades, although it is advisable to select a hue that harmonizes with their natural skin tone. During the consultation, our experienced technicians guide you through the process, ensuring a shade that perfectly complements your unique beauty.

Safety First: Addressing Concerns and Risks

Safety is paramount in any cosmetic procedure. While rare, risks such as infection or allergic reactions exist. To mitigate these, it is crucial to choose a qualified and experienced technician. During a consultation, you can request a patch test if you have concerns related to anesthetics or pigments, ensuring your peace of mind.

Navigating Cold Sores and Lip Fillers

For individuals prone to cold sores, consulting a physician before the procedure is pivotal. Antiviral medications, prescribed and taken before and after the treatment, can prevent outbreaks, ensuring a smooth healing process. Additionally, if lip fillers are part of your beauty regimen, a waiting period of 6 to 8 weeks between filler injections and the permanent lip color procedure is advised. This interval allows the lip tissue to heal fully, providing an optimal canvas for the tattooing process.

Lip Color Neutralization: A Marvel in Corrective Beauty

Addressing issues like uneven pigmentation or discoloration, lip color neutralization is a boon. In this advanced procedure, specialized pigments are meticulously implanted to balance out existing lip color, ensuring a seamless blend with your skin tone. Whether it is genetics, sun exposure, or previous unsatisfactory lip tattooing, this technique offers a corrective touch, enhancing your natural beauty.

Cost Considerations and Expertise: Making an Informed Choice

The cost of permanent lip color varies based on the experience of the technician and the complexity of the procedure. To ensure optimal results, it is paramount to choose a technician experienced in Lip Neutralization Color. Consulting different professionals can provide accurate pricing tailored to your specific needs, ensuring you invest in the artistry of your lips wisely. In the realm of beauty, the permanence of lip color embodies a timeless elegance, offering not just aesthetic enhancement, but a profound sense of confidence. As technology advances and techniques refine, embracing the artistry of permanent lip color becomes more than a choice it is a celebration of enduring beauty. Explore this transformative journey and redefine your elegance with every smile

Perfect brows after PMU



How to maintain my brows groomed after micro pigmentation or micro blading?

There are many options available, the most common we see are: Waxing, threading or tweezing

Here are the key differences between them

1. Brow Threading: Brow threading is a hair removal technique that uses a twisted thread to trap and remove individual hairs from the root. The thread is rolled over the unwanted hair, catching and pulling it out. Threading is known for its precision. It allows for the removal of individual hairs, making it easier to create precise and defined eyebrow shapes. Threading can also be used to remove fine, short hairs. Threading is generally considered gentler on the skin compared to waxing. It does not involve the use of chemicals or heat, making it a good option for those with sensitive skin. The results of threading can last for several weeks, as it removes hair from the root.




What are the differences?

MicroBLADING and microPIGMENTATION are both cosmetic procedures used to enhance the appearance of eyebrows


Micropigmentation, also known as NANO STROKES or machine strokes, is a technique that involves depositing pigment into the skin using a machine. Micropigmentation is often chosen by those seeking more texture, crisp hair strokes, and realistic appearance for their eyebrows. The results can last longer than micro-blading.

Learn these techniques from our INTERNATIONALLY AWARDED master Cecilia Johnson. our programs are available online or in person. You can enroll on the main menu simply select "become an artist" and enr

Microblading is an eyebrow enhancement technique that involves a hand tool creating hair-like strokes on the eyebrows with fine needles. Pigment is implanted into the skin


What is SMP?

February 25, 2023


SMP stands for Scalp Micro Pigmentation

Hair loss is a common problem that affects both men and women around the world. Did you know that about 4 out 10 men will experience hair loss of some sort by the time they reach middle age? Hair thinning or hair loss can occur at various stages on someones life. There are several solutions out there but it is important to recognize the right one for you. Scalp micro pigmentation can be used to camouflage scars caused by injury, surgery or burns on the scalp. It can also be used to conceal the appearance of alopecia areata, a condition that causes hair loss patches on the scalp.

How does it work?

It creates the appearance of hair follicles on the scalp, making it look as if the hair is growing. Scalp micro pigmentation can also be used to create the appearance of a hairline, or a natural looking shadow effect which can help to conceal scarring or hair loss on the scalp.

About the pigments we use

Scalp micropigmentaion involves depositing pigment into the scalp using detailed microneedles. The pigments used in scalp micro pigmentation can be matched to the color of the surrounding hair, making the scars or areas of hair loss less visible. One of the key aspects of SMP is ensuring that the pigments used match the clients natural hair color and density as closely as possible, to create natural looking results.This can be achieved by using a variety of pigments that can be blended to create a perfect match.

Lets take a look at a few benefits of SMP

Long term: Unlike other hair loss solutions like hair transplants that require a 4 to 6 month follow up, SMP can be used for up to 3 years or more with very little maintenance. It only requires some restorative pigmentation only if the pigment begins to fade.

Inmediate results!

The procedure gives immediate results that are visible. This does not involve any medications or downtime. In women it creates a fuller hair effect on sparse areas and on men it gives the shaved look.

Scalp micro pigmentation can be used to create a natural looking hairline. We use different techniques to create a hairline that is customized to the clients face shape and personal style. This can also help to frame the face and make the client look younger.

Are you ready to look at your best?

The SMP journey starts with a consultation, book yours now here on the main menu!

How to get the best out of your PMU training?

February 25, 2023


Having a great learning experience is so important when learning PMU, regardless if you are a beginner or still learning and developing your skills. The permanent cosmetics Industry is demanding higher quality PMU results as it grows in The US. Clients have higher expectations from their Permanent make up results. This is the reason why is crucial to learn the fundamentals with a great teacher that is passionate to transfer their knowledge to students or while continuing their education with our courses for intermedia and advanced classes.

Why the The Bespoke Academy?

What separates us from our competitors is our unique system that is part of our year long program. Our training structure ensures you understand, prioritize and execute, mastering your skills through our interactive program. This includes submitting assignments and receiving feed back from our master trainer Cecilia. We will help you succeed!

How does it work?

Your experience starts online with videos, graphics and classes with all PMU fundamentals that any PMU artist should know along with quizzes and practical exercises. Practice is key to polish your skills before you come to our fully hands on class and practice on your models supervised 100% of the time by Cecilia.

Ongoing support

As you advance into the profession questions are going to arise and you want to have unlimited support, we will help you by answering questions and give you guidance from your trainer after your certification.

High quality results comes by using high quality supplies

You want to work with the highest quality tools & supplies available in our industry, a good machine elevates the quality of your work in the short and long term. Also by having the best tools you will be efficient and your treatment sessions will run smoothly saving you time! For this reason we have included FREE of charge an Artyst machine kit with all the supplies you need to practice and perform services to your clients.

Artyst is a German PMU worldwide leader. Their products are made in Germany following the highest standards required by Europes strict regulations. Their pigment formulas are the safest to be implanted in the human body. It also ensures that the color will not shift to funky colors overtime, saving the client a headache in the long run.

Join us in the program that suits you the best, we have courses available online and in person. Enroll now from the main menu on this site.

Why are cheap prices for microblading or PMU a red flag?

February 21, 2023


If prices are cheap runaway!


Time is money!

1. Learning and developing this skill takes many hours of practice and it is an investment of thousands of dollars in initial and ongoing training. The permanent make up art is more complex than what it looks like and it takes a long time to master. It takes continuous practice and education. It takes years for a technician to become a true master!


2. Running a studio with all the legal requirements involved includes taking training for blood borne pathogens, pass inspections and contracted with a certified disposal service for medical waste in order to become a licensed facility all of which have yearly fees that need to be paid to be in compliance.

Legalties come with a price

3. In order to protect your valuables in your business, insurance is a necessary and it is annual expense. Paying taxes Taking credit card involves to paid expenses and processing fees to bank.

Fix cost

Covering expenses such as rent, salaries, utilities, equipment and quality supplies to provide the highest quality services is an ongoing expense (overhead)

Work to make a living

5. You have to make a living! Every treatment requires hours of detailed work, skill and knowledge required to provide a service. The time of an artist is very valuable like any other highly trained professional.

Finally, you get what you pay for, so make sure you are not putting your face in jeopardy to save some dollars. Look for the best treatment that will give you satisfaction in the long run and make your daily routine easier. Always look at healed results, because healed results show the true skill of the Artist.

Our team is highly trained and passion for the Industry. Book your appointment from the main menu.

Wrinkles go away!

February 21, 2023


Fibroblast treatment will take care of wrinkles

Do you know that sleeping on your face will cause wrinkles and puffiness? I know for some sleeping beauties it is almost impossible to avoid, but now, there is a trick! If you fold the corner of your pillow and sleep in the edge of the pillow so your eye does not touch you will benefit from: Long-lasting PMU eyebrow color Keeping your eyelash extensions in good shape smash free! Keeping your lashes from changing their natural growth direction! Have you seen eyelashes going towards the nose? Yep, that is because a pillow is constantly smashing them. Preventing bags under the eyes and puffiness. The constant compression on those areas causes this. Preventing extra wrinkles! The ones that our expression provides are enough right?

Is there a solution for wrinkles and saggy skin?

Yes there is! it is called fibroblast skin tightening. We are pioneers to bring this technology to The US and Michigan. Our services have been available for the Detroit metropolitan area since 2017

What is fibroblast skin tightening?

A Non-invasive, needle free, surgery free skin tightening treatment that erases wrinkles and excess skin. This innovative technology sets new standards for the treatment of skin conditions associated with aging, active lifestyles, and sun damage. Fibroblast Skin Rejuvenation is a dynamic new way to reduce visible signs of skin damage. It is a non-invasive procedure that is becoming more popular with men and women.

How much is it?

Duration and pricing varies based on the size of the area to be treated Price runs $250-$1000 per area. Includes first session, after care kit.

What areas can be treated?

Upper eyelid correction Under eye lines Facelift and neck lift Forehead lines Crows feet Nasolabial lines Frown lines Under eye Jowl All types of lifting Scar rejuvenation Removal of warts Belly tightening Breast tightening

The skin tightening journey starts with a consultation

Book yours now from the main menu and recover that youthful look that will make you feel incredible!

Do you have and unwanted PMU or tattoo?

February 21, 2023


Are you not loving your permanent makeup and searching for the best tattoo removal method?

If you are having PMU regrets you are not alone! There are different options in the market that promise to help lighten the tattoo ink like tattoo removal creams. Well, these creams have been available for years and their effectiveness is very limited by either bleaching or exfoliating the skin. Using tattoo removal creams put you at risk for infection, allergic reaction, pigment changes and scarring as either excessive abrasion or irritating chemicals are often used. None of these products are FDA approved and results will be limited to minimal fading.

Why is that?

Because when you get a permanent make up/tattoo needles are used to place ink into the dermis the living deeper skin layer which is covered and protected by the epidermis the outer layer. It would take a third degree burn where the dermis is destroyed to eliminate the ink. In addition, the particles of the pigment or ink are too large to be removed from the body by white blood cells through the lymphatic system like other debris or dead cells because they are too large for white blood cells to capture so the ink cannot be removed by the body or reached through the skin.

Since tattoo removal creams do not work what is one to do?

Saline removal or chemical removals work great in certain cases and circumstances for example when the main goal is to be lightening the pigment of the PMU. When there is a lot of saturation on the brows or when lightening the color will make it possible to work over it. Some other ideal circumstances for pigment lightening is when after laser removal sessions have been done and there is color pigment left that the laser will not be able to target like white, green and yellow.

About lasers...

A great option is to receive treatment by an expert with a tattoo removal laser. These lasers have been medically used for the past 25 years. All lasers work to remove unwanted tattoos by gradually breaking the large ink particles into smaller pieces which the body can then clear out by being carried by the white blood cells.

These lasers deliver wavelength and target certain colors breaking them apart. The color of the ink, density and depth are factors that play an important roll in how many treatments will be needed in order to completely remove an undesired tattoo. Another important factor is the age and overall health of the individual, the type of laser and experience of the clinician. No two tattoos are alike, so providing an accurate estimate of the number of treatments is very difficult if not impossible. This is determined after the treated area is completely healed, about 6-8 weeks.


How many sessions: The range can be as few as 2 up to 8 sessions, sometimes even more. Treatments are usually 6 to 8 weeks apart to allow the body to do its job clearing out the ink particles. Is it painful? Treatment is uncomfortable to painful and topical numbing and cold air can be used to reduce discomfort. What to expect? Some blistering is expected, and scabbing can be seen, risks include scarring and hyper-pigmentation. How much is it? Laser tattoo removal costs will vary depending on the size of the area to be treated.

How to choose a great PMU training/trainer

February 20, 2023


PMU is a highly in-demand career. Even though the industry has vast opportunities, it requires proper planning and preparation to succeed. If you are a looking to join the PMU industry here are some tips to help you to find a good training program or a trainer:

Cheap training is never good, good training is never cheap

A cheap class is a red flag, if you are paying 2000 or less for a 2-to-3-day training most likely you are setting yourself up for failure. An unknowledgeable teacher will set you back and most likely you will develop bad habits that are hard to break and relearn good ones.

One class one technique

It is very common to see schools offering lip, eyebrows, and eyeliner in a 3-day course, this is a huge scam! Permanent make up is a complex profession. Each technique has fundamental knowledge that differs from each other, for example working with lips is completely different than working with eyeliners or eyebrows. If you want to learn properly and master the skills learn one at the time, understand the fundamentals, practice a lot on latex first before doing models. Once you achieve excellent healed results start taking clients and perform several treatments until you feel confident in your work, then learn the next technique that you are interested in.

There are so many branches in permanent make up besides lips, eyebrows and eyeliner, there is scalp pigmentation, areola restoration, stretch marks and skin pigmentation.

Interview your potential mentor

We highly recommend requesting a time to talk directly with your desired trainer. A good trainer is committed to help and teach great skills to students, and they will be more than happy to talk to you and make sure that the PMU Industry is a good fit for you.

3 days is not enough

You want to join a program not just a 2

We offer year long courses

You want to become a skilled PMU artist or improve your existing knowledge and techniques?

Our training program is designed to deliver all the fundamentals to become a successful PMU Artist. The system is organized in 2 modules: 1. The online training, is available as soon as you enroll. It covers the fundamentals of skin pigmentation: 18 exercises, Demos, Case studies, Quizzes, Color, needle, skin, machine theory, Sanitation, Business aspects, Marketing & Social media, Brow design and mapping Our training program is designed to deliver all the fundamentals to become a successful PMU Artist. The system is organized in 2 modules: 1. The online training, is available as soon as you enroll. It covers the fundamentals of skin pigmentation: 18 exercises, Demos, Case studies, Quizzes, Color, needle, skin, machine theory, Sanitation, Business aspects, Marketing & Social media

2. Hands-on class: 2 days intense class 100% practical You will come prepared after taking your online class and be ready to put your knowledge into practice. We will practice on different materials and on a live model. Small classes for the best learning experience and continued support for the rest of the year long program through our online platform and direct contact with your master trainer. Enroll here from the main menu!

What are Nano strokes?

February 20, 2023


The best technique for realistic brow hair! No, it is not nano blading

Realistic nano strokes are a form of semi permanent makeup that creates the appearance of natural looking hair and are a great option for those with sparseness or complete brow hair loss. The process involves etching fine, hair-like strokes into the skin, mimicking the look of real hair.

Pigments matter!

The pigments used in the process of realistic nano strokes are an important aspect of the science behind the technique. They are specially formulated to match the color of natural hair as closely as possible. This is important to create a natural looking result.

Your face is unique, so your brows should be too!

Choosing the right shape and color for your brows, is an important step in the process. Here are some tips to help you choose the right shape and color for your realistic nano brows: Determine your ideal shape: The shape of your brows should complement the natural shape of your face and enhance your features. Before the procedure, it s important to discuss your desired shape with your artist and to bring in pictures of brows that you like as a reference.

The brow color is key!

Consider your natural brow color: The color of your nano brows should match your natural brow color as closely as possible or if there is not existent hair flow correctly with your skin color and undertones. Consider your skin tone: The color of your nano brows should also complement your skin tone. If you have fair skin, it is best to choose a color that is not too dark, as this can look unnatural. If you have darker skin, a slightly darker color may be more appropriate.

Choose an experience artist

Nano strokes is the hardest technique to master in PMU, make sure you choose a knowledgeable artist that has worked on a lot of different skin types and look for healed results. We often see people researching for micro blading near me and then they go with the first option showed, but its crucial making your research and find Nano strokes made with a machine or a powered device as this will differentiate from nano blading or micro blading. from nano stokes. There are some common mistakes such as choosing the wrong color, shape or thickness that we need to be aware of. It is best to consult with a professional and provide them with a detailed description of the look you want to achieve. And most importantly, do your research and choose a reputable and experienced artist to ensure you get the best HEALED results possible!

Common mistakes to avoid

So let

Proper aftercare is crucial

The PMU healing process can be a little tricky and without proper healing the color retention will not be great. The lack of proper aftercare can impact the longevity as well as the look of the brows. Here is why PMU aftercare plays such an important role. Not following proper aftercare can expose your skin to risk of infection. Improper aftercare can also lead to the removal of ink pigment from the skin, thus causing the finished product to look botched or unfinished.

Cecilia is an international speaker and multiple award holder in nano strokes, check out her work from her instagram page @thececiliajohnson you can book your appointment from the main menu.

Bespoke Give back Program

February 18, 2023


Cecilia is the Founder and owner of Bespoke Permanent Cosmetics & The Bespoke Academy based in Auburn Hills, Michigan serving thousands of clients.

Her specialty is creating eyebrows from scratch for each face using her signature technique realistic nano strokes.

One of her biggest motivations is to give back to the ones that have experienced hair loss from alopecia or cancer treatment.

She donates her time making brows for the ones that have no existing hair on their brows, so they can enjoy the convenience of having realistic and natural brows daily.

She uses a micro-pigmentation device. This technique is ideal for alopecia patients because it is friendly with their skin and provides the ability to create dimensional effects that cannot be achieved with a manual method like micro-pigmentation nano strokes.

She has developed her signature technique to create realistic nano strokes providing very natural results. Cecilia pays special attention to the details not only on female brows but for male brows to provide undetectable results.

Who is a good candidate to receive a free treatment through the Bespoke Program?

- Those who have completely lost their brow hair due to alopecia or cancer treatments. - Patients that have finished their chemotherapy and have received doctor

Lip Neutralization

February 15, 2023


Is it possible to brighten up lip color?

Any PMU technique should be taken seriously because requires extensive education and practice. We are working on human faces and if it is performed prematurely by an inexperienced technician scaring, permanent damage in the skin decoloration or uneven pigmentation can ocurre. Unfortunately our Industry in The US is not regulated and ventures amateurs are jumping freely to offer services and education with no experience or knowledge whatsoever. Our responsibility as PMU artist is to educate our audience to prevent them from having a headache. Lip color neutralization requires a combination of in-depth color theory, needle knowledge and specific techniques to perform treatments safely and with good results The wonderful thing is that when is well perform the results are breath takin

Safety Protocols

July 21, 2021


Most people have microorganisms on their own skin or mucous membranes that do not cause a problem unless the skin is broken. Pathogens can transfer from another Person If the skin piercing tool is contaminated, pathogens have a way to enter the body. The skin piercing object becomes contaminated by the following:

The object is contaminated by the infected blood/body fluids from the client or the practitioner. Pathogens that could be introduced are HBV, HCV, or HIV. From an unclean work surface in the environment. Invisible pathogens could be contaminated in very small amounts of blood/body fluids.

By the workers hands allowing pathogens to enter the clients body for example via tattoo needle. It is possible that blood from an infected client that has contaminated a PMU machine, exposes other clients to an infection.

Blood does not have to be visible on an instrument or a needle to transmit infection, so all tattoo needles should be ONE time use and properly disposed of immediately after.

Contamination can occur when:

Strict operator hygiene is not observed Our best advise is follow safety protocols every time with each client and follow up with them during the healing process. Document any infection if there is any.

Top Ways to Decrease Quarantine Stress

July 14, 2021


Make Your Bed

This one seems very simple and it is, but you

Reduce your caffeine intake

Coffee can feel like a good way to get the day started, but you will eventually feel the crash. Caffeine can lead to anxiousness, high blood pressure, etc. if it is consumed too often. You do not need to cut it out completely but pay attention to how much you are having

Decorate and Declutter

Yes, these two tasks can compliment each other! Creating a space that feels neat and decorated with items that make you feel relaxed will lead to a more productive / stress-free day. We suggest decorating with Himalayan salt lamps, plants, healing stones or even a

Exercise and Stretch

All it takes is about 20 - 30 minutes of exercise everyday to create a healthy lifestyle. Exercise is proven to help decrease anxiety and stress because our bodies need a way to release endorphins. You do not need to join a super intense HIIT class in order to start feeling a healthy balance in your life but just be sure to prioritize enough time to find something that works for you. If you need to try something with a slower pace, Cecilia loves yoga! Even taking your dog on a walk counts, just get moving!

Read a Book or Start a Journal

Taking a few minutes out of your day to wind down is very important. Our minds need to find time to relax and not constantly worry about work. Reading a book or journaling is a great way to calm down at the end of a busy day. Plus, it will get you away from your phone right before bed!

Message @thececiliajohnson via Instagram to share how you like to destress!

How to keep your eyebrows on point during your vacation

June 26, 2021


Have you Been dreaming about going somewhere warm? Spring is knocking on the door and it

There are a few things to take into consideration before you hit the beach! Permanent make up can give you those dream eyebrows that you always wanted that stay with you no matter if you

Planning your appointment for your eyebrows or permanent make up it is best to book your leave some time between the healing process and going on vacation. even if this is a small touch up. If you are in a rush and you don

Please keep in mind that it

Henna brows:


Brow lift and tinting:

Creates a fluffy look on your existing hair and the tint helps to boost the color off the eyebrows this mean that will provide a long lasting hold and will keep you off worrying about doing your brows on your vacation time.

Whatever you decide to go take care of those brows Have lots of fun and make sure to tag me when showing off your perfect brows on on your trip. @bespokeyebrows

Bespoke's favorite local restaurants



Here are our local picks from the Metro Detroit area!


The Fed in Clarkston, MI


Honcho in Clarkston, MI


Red Coat Tavern in West Bloomfield, MI




The Copper Kettle in Clinton Township, MI