At Bespoke, we believe that knowledge empowers confident decisions. That's why we've curated this comprehensive FAQ section, tailored to address your most pressing questions about our permanent makeup services. Whether you're considering microblading, lip color enhancement, scalp pigmentation, laser removal, permanent eyeliner or any of our other transformative procedures, we want you to be fully informed.

In this section, we've anticipated your queries, covering everything from the procedures themselves to aftercare, safety measures, and much more. We understand that the world of permanent makeup might be new to you, and we're here to guide you every step of the way.

Our FAQs are designed not only to provide answers but to offer insights into our expertise, our commitment to safety, and the remarkable transformations our clients experience. We've focused on transparency, ensuring that you understand the procedures, the results you can expect, and the care we dedicate to each client.

Remember, these FAQs are general guidelines. For personalized and detailed information, it's crucial to consult with us before starting your PMU journey.
What's PMU?
PMU stands for permanent makeup. This term relates to the application of permanent color on various areas such as eyebrows, eyeliner, lips, and the scalp. Techniques like microblading, micro-pigmentation, and scalp pigmentation fall under this category.
Is PMU Safe?
Permanent makeup is a safe practice.
Is PMU a Tattoo?
Technically, PMU is a tattoo, but we prefer not to call it a tattoo because the pigment formula we use won't stay forever. Traditional tattoo ink is commonly used in other studios offering permanent makeup, but at Bespoke, we prefer to use pigments that will fade over time without changing into funky colors. You can expect your PMU to last up to 4 years with occasional maintenance touch-ups.
How Long Will My PMU Last?
It's difficult to predict how long the pigment will stay in your skin because it depends on many factors such as skincare, skin type, immune system, lifestyle, age, sun exposure, facial treatments, etc. Typically, we find that a touch-up is needed within a year to a year and a half to boost the color of your PMU.
What to Expect During the Consultation?
The consultation is a 20-minute appointment to explain the different options we offer for permanent makeup, assess your skin type, and suggest the best treatment for you and your beauty goals. We don't offer pre-design or mapping during the consultation; this is a step that we do during your service appointment.
Is There a Fee for the Consultation?
This appointment has a fee that will be applied towards your balance if you decide to move forward with the service. The cost of consultation and services is posted at the time of booking.
How Many Sessions Do I Need?
PMU is a two-step process that starts with the initial treatment followed by a touch-up after 6-8 weeks. After that, we assess the healed results. Typically, most clients finish the process here, and very few need a third session to perfect an area with low retention.
Is PMU a One-Time Deal?
When you are done with the 2-step process, a maintenance touch-up will be needed from time to time. On average, clients return after a year since everyone retains pigment in the skin differently. We have seen many clients returning after 3-5 years for a touch-up.
What to Expect During the Initial Treatment?
We ensure the right design for your unique face, freehanding a shape for your PMU based on your preferred look, bone structure, facial features, desired color, and personality. Once you love the design, measurements are taken to ensure symmetry and harmony with your PMU. We make sure that you are thrilled with the plan. After that, there is a pre-numbing process to reduce any chance of discomfort. When the skin is numbed, we start the PMU session, reapplying anesthetic during the treatment.
Could You Work on My Previous Permanent Makeup Done Elsewhere?
Sometimes it is possible to work over previous work, but only if your design is symmetrical and the color is almost gone. Not all techniques are suitable for covering up an old tattoo. The best way to find out and create a perfect plan to achieve your permanent makeup goals is to come and see us for an in-person consultation where we can also estimate the total cost.
How Do I Prepare for a PMU Appointment?
Preparations are straightforward but important to follow. Avoiding blood thinners is recommended but not necessary if you are getting permanent makeup done. It is a must-do if you are getting microblading done. You must also avoid any direct sun exposure on the treated area, including tanning beds and sunbathing, for two weeks before your appointment. Additionally, avoid laser treatments, chemical peels, or any procedures that cause skin irritations.
Is PMU Painful?
It's not with us! Every artist and studio is different. We all come from different schooling and backgrounds, and we do not use the same tools, pigments, and anesthetics. Some studios don't even use any numbing at all. We use anesthetics before and during each treatment to ensure comfort for our clients. Our top priority is for you to have a good experience with us and PMU.
What's the Cost of Eyebrow Services?
At Bespoke, we offer a variety of eyebrow techniques for permanent eyebrow makeup. The pricing will depend on the technique you choose and the expertise of the technician performing your treatment. We recommend scheduling a consultation with us so that we can assess your skin type and beauty requirements, helping us determine the most suitable eyebrow technique for you.
What are permanent Eyebrows?
Also known as microblading, micropigmentation or eyebrow tattoo, is a cosmetic procedure that involves the implantation of pigment beneath the skin's surface to create the appearance of fuller, natural-looking eyebrows.
How Long Does PMU Eyebrows last?
The results can last anywhere from 1 to 3 years, depending on factors such as skin type, lifestyle, and aftercare. Periodic touch-ups are usually required to maintain the desired appearance.
Is Eyebrow PMU Painful?
While discomfort levels vary from person to person, most clients zero discomfort during the procedure. Topical numbing creams are applied to minimize any pain. Most of our clients take naps during the process!
How is the Color Chosen?
Implanting pigment in a living organ (the skin) demands scientific education and extensive experience. Our technicians collaborate closely with clients, leveraging their in-depth understanding of pigments to select a color that harmonizes with their natural eyebrow shade and complements their skin tone. This personalized approach guarantees natural-looking results
What's the Healing Process Like?
After the procedure, there might be slight redness and swelling, which typically subsides within a few hours. Proper aftercare, including avoiding certain activities, is crucial during the initial healing period. Precare and post care instructions are provide during a consultation.
Can Eyebrow Tattoos Be Removed?
Yes! While technically possible, removing eyebrow tattoos can be challenging. It often requires uncomfortable laser treatments, and complete removal may take an unspecified number of sessions.

This underscores the vital importance of conducting thorough research on the technician's knowledge and experience, ensuring careful consideration before undergoing the procedure
Can PMU on Eyebrow Cover Scars or Bald Spots?
Yes, eyebrow tattooing can effectively cover scars, bald spots, or uneven hair growth. Our skilled technicians can create a natural appearance, camouflaging imperfections and enhancing facial features.
How Long Does the Procedure Take?
The duration of the procedure varies but typically takes around 2 to 3 hours. This includes designing the eyebrows, taking measurements, numbing the area, and the actual PMU process.
There a difference between microblading and micropigmentation nano strokes?
Yes, microblading is a specific technique of eyebrow tattooing where fine, hair-like strokes are created using a manual handheld tool.

Micropigmentation nano strokes use a machine. The choice depends on the desired outcome, skin type and individual preference.
How Do I Choose a Qualified Technician?
It's essential to choose a certified and experienced technician. Research their credentials, view before-and-after photos of their healed work, and read client reviews. A reputable technician will conduct a thorough consultation and prioritize your safety and satisfaction.
What is permanent lip color?
Permanent lip color, also known as lip micropigmentation or lip tattoo, is a cosmetic procedure that involves tattooing pigments into the lips to enhance their natural color and shape.
Is it similar to traditional lipstick?
Yes, you're correct. Permanent lip color, although serving a similar purpose to traditional lipstick, is applied through a tattooing process and offers a long-lasting solution. This can save time and effort in daily makeup routines, ensuring a perfect, smudge-free lip color without the need for frequent touch-ups.
How long does permanent lip color last?
The duration varies from person to person, but permanent lip color typically lasts between 2 to 5 years. Factors such as skin type, lifestyle, and exposure to sunlight can affect the longevity of the pigment color.
Is the procedure painful?
Pain tolerance varies among individuals. We use numbing agents to minimize discomfort before and during the procedure. Patients might experience slight discomfort or a tingling sensation during the process.
What's the healing process like?
After the procedure, there might be swelling, redness, and mild discomfort. The lips may appear darker initially but will fade to the desired shade as they heal. Complete healing usually takes a few weeks.
Can I choose any lip color I want?
You can choose from a variety of shades, but it's advisable to select a natural color that compliments your skin tone. Our experienced technicians can help you choose a suitable shade during the consultation.
Can I still wear regular lipstick after the procedure?
Yes, you can still wear regular lipstick if you desire a different color for special occasions. However, many people find that they no longer need regular lipstick after permanent lip color.
Are there any risks or side effects?
While rare, risks include infection or allergic reactions. Choosing a qualified and experienced technician significantly reduces these risks. Visit us for a consultation and a request a patch test if you have allergies related to anesthetics or pigments
Can I have the lip color removed if I change my mind?
Yes, it is possible to remove or adjust permanent lip color using laser tattoo removal techniques, but it might require multiple sessions and can be more challenging than the initial procedure.
How do I prepare for the procedure?
Preparation might include avoiding blood-thinning medications, alcohol, and caffeine before the appointment. It's best to consult with our technicians for specific pre-procedure instructions.
Could I go under permanent make up when I tend to get cold sores?
Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1) and can be easily spread through the broken skin during a tattooing process. Tattooing over an active cold sore can worsen the outbreak and potentially lead to complications, such as infection and poor healing of the tattooed area.

Consulting with your physician before getting a permanent lip color procedure, if you are prone to cold sores. Your physician can prescribe antiviral medications, such as acyclovir, famciclovir, or valacyclovir, to be taken before and after the procedure. These medications can help prevent or minimize the likelihood of a cold sore outbreak.

It's crucial to follow your physician's instructions regarding the dosage and duration of the antiviral medication. Taking these precautions reduce the risk of complications and ensure a smoother healing process after the permanent lip color procedure. Always prioritize your health and safety when considering any cosmetic procedure.

If you are getting or have a cold sore It's advisable to wait until the cold sore has completely healed and the scab has fallen off before considering a lip tattoo. wait until the cold sore has completely healed and the scab has fallen off before considering a lip tattoo.
Can I get permanent lip color if I have lip fillers?
It's essential to consult with both your lip filler provider and the permanent makeup technician.

It's a prudent recommendation to have a waiting period between lip filler injections and permanent lip color procedures. This waiting period, typically suggested to be between 6 to 8 weeks, allows the lip tissue to fully heal after the filler treatment.

Injecting fillers involves piercing the skin and can cause temporary swelling and irritation. Giving the lips time to heal and settle ensures that the tissue is in the best condition for the permanent lip color procedure. It also allows any swelling from the filler injections to completely subside, providing a more accurate canvas for the permanent makeup application.

Always follow the advice of your healthcare professional or cosmetic technician, as we provide personalized recommendations based on your specific situation and health. Your safety and the optimal outcome of the procedures should always be the top priority.
How much does permanent lip color cost?
Costs vary widely depending on the technician's experience, and the complexity of the procedure.

"We offer Lip Neutralization Color to address discoloration on the lips. This advanced technique. Our technicians have extensive experience and knowledge to navigate the complexities of the treatment. We highly recommend choosing a technician who possesses the expertise necessary to achieve the desired results."Lip color It's best to consult with different professionals to get accurate pricing for your specific needs.
What is Lip Color Neutralization?
Lip color neutralization is a cosmetic procedure designed to correct or neutralize the natural color of the lips. It is often used to address issues such as uneven pigmentation or discoloration.
How is Lip Color Neutralization Performed?
During the procedure, we apply specialized pigments to the lips to balance out or neutralize the existing color. The technique involves carefully implanting pigments on the lip tissue to lighten dark lip color and even out color that complement the client's skin tone and desired lip color.
Who Can Benefit from Lip Color Neutralization?
Individuals who have uneven or discolored lips due to genetics, sun exposure, smoking, vitiligo or other factors can benefit from lip color neutralization. It is also suitable for those who have previously undergone lip tattooing and are unhappy with the results.
Is Lip Color Neutralization Permanent?
Lip color neutralization is considered permanent makeup . While the results can last for a considerable amount of time, they may fade over the years and require touch-ups to maintain the desired effect.
Does the Procedure Require Downtime?
There might be slight swelling and redness immediately after the procedure, but these symptoms usually subside within hours and in some cases a few days. Most individuals can resume their normal activities shortly after the treatment.
Is Lip Color Neutralization Painful?
A topical numbing cream is applied to the lips before and during the procedure to minimize discomfort. While some clients might feel a slight tingling sensation, the process is generally well-tolerated.
How Long Does the Procedure Take?
The duration of the procedure can vary based on the complexity of the neutralization needed. On average, it takes about 2 to 3 hours to complete the process, including the numbing time and mapping.
Are There Any Risks or Side Effects?
"While rare, risks associated with permanent makeup procedures include allergic reactions to pigments and infections. Choosing a knowledgeable and experienced technician can significantly minimize these risks, ensuring a safer and more satisfying experience. Visit us for a consultation and a patch test if you have allergies related to anesthetics or pigments.
Can Lip Color Neutralization be Combined with Other Lip Procedures?
Yes, lip color neutralization can be combined with other lip procedures, such as lip fillers. It's important to discuss your goals with our technicians to determine the best approach for your desired results.
How Soon Can I Expect to See Results?
The initial color might appear bold or darker immediately after the procedure, but it will fade to the desired shade as the lips heal. Final results are typically visible within a few weeks after the treatment.

Lip neutralization is not a one-time process; it requires at least two sessions, depending on the complexity of the discoloration that the technician is dealing with.
What is Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP)?
Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) is a non-surgical cosmetic tattooing technique that creates the illusion of hair follicles on the scalp. It's primarily used to camouflage hair loss, thinning hair, or create a shaved head look.
How is SMP Different from a Regular Tattoo?
SMP uses specialized pigments and techniques designed for the scalp. The pigments are matched to your natural hair color and are applied differently, creating a natural-looking hairline and texture.
Is SMP Painful?
The procedure is generally well-tolerated. Most clients report minor discomfort, similar to a light sunburn sensation. Topical numbing creams are applied to minimize any discomfort before and during the process.
How Long Does SMP Last?
SMP is a long-lasting solution. While individual results may vary, most clients can expect the effects to last for several years. Periodic touch-ups might be required to maintain the desired appearance.
What's the Recovery Time?
There is minimal to no downtime after SMP. You can resume your regular activities immediately after the procedure. Some redness and minor swelling might occur but usually subside within a day or two.
Can SMP Cover Scars or Bald Spots?
Yes, SMP is effective in concealing scars from hair transplant surgeries, accidents, or other causes. It can also create the illusion of thicker hair by filling in bald spots.
Who is a Suitable Candidate for SMP?
SMP is suitable for individuals with various types and stages of hair loss, including male and female pattern baldness, alopecia, and receding hairlines. A consultation with our practitioners can determine the best approach for each case.
How is the Hairline Designed?
The hairline is meticulously designed by the practitioner, taking into account factors such as facial features, hairline shape, and client preferences. The goal is to create a natural-looking hairline that complements the individual's face.
Can SMP Fade or Change Color Over Time?
While SMP is designed to be long-lasting, exposure to the sun and other environmental factors can cause slight fading over the years. However, this gradual fading can be advantageous, creating a more natural look as hair naturally lightens with age.
Is SMP Suitable for Everyone?
While SMP is suitable for most people, individual suitability may vary. A consultation with our experienced SMP technician is essential to assess your specific case and discuss realistic expectations.

Remember, these FAQs provide general information. For personalized details and to address specific concerns, it's crucial to consult with our certified and experienced SMP practitioners.
What is Laser Tattoo Removal?
Laser tattoo removal is a non-invasive procedure that uses laser technology to break down the ink particles in a tattoo or pigment used in permanent cosmetics, allowing the body to naturally eliminate them. It's an effective way to remove or significantly fade unwanted tattoos.
How Does Laser Tattoo Removal Work?
Laser devices emit specific wavelengths of light that are absorbed by the tattoo ink. This breaks the ink into smaller particles, enabling the body's immune system to gradually remove them via lymphatic system. The process takes several weeks depending on each individual.
Is Laser Tattoo Removal Painful?
The sensation during laser tattoo removal is often described as similar to rubber bands snapping against the skin. Most people tolerate the procedure well, but topical numbing creams are applied to minimize discomfort before and during the laser session.
How Many Sessions are Needed?
The number of sessions required depends on various factors, including the tattoo's size, color, ink formula and depth.

Generally, for body tattoo removal multiple sessions (ranging from 5 to 15 or more) spaced several weeks apart are necessary for complete removal.

The average for permanent makeup removal is around 3 sessions
Are There Any Side Effects or Risks?
Temporary side effects, such as redness, swelling, blistering, and scabbing, are common and often part of the healing process. It's important to note that these effects may not be experienced by every patient, as individual body reactions and healing processes vary. Serious side effects are rare when the procedure is performed by a qualified practitioner
Can All Tattoos be Completely Removed?
While significant advancements in laser technology have made it possible to remove most tattoos, and we have the latest technology at Bespoke achieving complete removal may not always be feasible, especially with certain ink colors. In these cases, more sessions might be necessary, as these colors like bright yellow and green pose a greater challenge for complete removal.
How Long is the Recovery Period?
Recovery time varies based on the individual and the treated area. Generally, there might be some discomfort for a few days, and it's crucial to follow aftercare instructions provided by the practitioner.
Can Laser Tattoo Removal Cause Scarring?
When performed by a skilled professional, the risk of scarring is minimal. Proper aftercare and avoiding sun exposure in the treated area can further reduce the risk of complications.
Can I Get a Tattoo Over a Removed area?
Once the tattoo is adequately faded or removed, you can opt for a new tattoo. However, it's essential to wait until the skin has fully healed with a minimum of 6 to 8 weeks after tha last removal session and the area is assessed by our technicians
How Much Does Laser Tattoo Removal Cost?
The cost varies based on the size, color, and complexity of the tattoo. Multiple sessions add to the overall cost. It's best to consult with us during a consultation for an accurate quote based on your specific tattoo or permanent makeup.
What is Permanent Eyeliner?
Permanent eyeliner, also known as micropigmentation or cosmetic tattooing, is a procedure where pigment is implanted along the lash line to create a long-lasting eyeliner effect.

Permanent eyeliner offers a range of benefits that make it a popular choice. Firstly, it saves time in the daily makeup routine, providing a ready-to-go eyeliner look. It's especially beneficial for individuals with busy lifestyles.

Additionally, it ensures consistent and smudge-free eyeliner, eliminating the need for frequent touch-ups throughout the day. Moreover, it's an excellent solution for people with allergies to conventional makeup products, as the pigments used in permanent eyeliner are hypoallergenic.

Permanent eyeliner is an excellent solution especially those who may have difficulty seeing well or applying regular makeup. It offers a long-lasting and hassle-free way to enhance their eyes without the daily struggle of applying eyeliner. This not only saves time, money and effort but also boosts confidence, allowing them to enjoy a defined and youthful eye appearance effortlessly

Lastly, it's a versatile option, allowing clients to choose their desired eyeliner style and color, providing a customized solution tailored to individual preferences.
How is Permanent Eyeliner Applied?
A specialized tool is used to delicately apply pigment between the lashes or above the lash line, creating a natural and enhanced eyeliner appearance.
Is the Procedure Painful?
Topical numbing creams are applied to the eyelids to minimize discomfort before and during the process. Most clients report only mild sensations like tickling during the procedure.
How Long Does Permanent Eyeliner Last?
Permanent eyeliner can last for several years. However, the longevity varies from person to person due to factors such as skin type, lifestyle, and exposure to sun and cosmetic products.
Can I Choose the Eyeliner Style and Color?
Yes, the style and color of the eyeliner are fully customizable. During the consultation, you can discuss your preferences with our technician to achieve your desired look. We initiate the process by pre-drawing the eyeliner design with a pencil. Once the design is approved by you, we proceed with the permanent makeup application
Is there a risk to my eyes during the procedure?
While there are inherent risks with any cosmetic procedure, our skilled technicians prioritize your safety. We take extensive precautions, including protecting your eyes, especially when working in delicate areas. Our use of specially designed products and techniques is aimed at minimizing risks and ensuring a safe procedure for your eyes.
What's the Recovery Process Like?
After the procedure, there might be slight swelling and redness, but these symptoms typically subside within a few hours or a day. Proper aftercare, including avoiding eye makeup and sun exposure, is crucial during the healing period.
Can I Wear Regular Makeup After Permanent Eyeliner?
You can wear regular makeup, but it's advisable to avoid applying makeup directly on the treated area for the first few days after the procedure. Once healed, you can continue your makeup routine as usual.We recommend resuming mascara after 10 days, always using a new bottle.
Are There Any Risks or Side Effects?
While rare, risks include allergic reactions and infections. Choosing a certified technician and following aftercare instructions diligently can minimize these risks significantly.
Can Permanent Eyeliner Be Removed?
Permanent eyeliner can be lightened, modified and completely removing but it might be challenging. Laser treatments are often used for removal, but complete erasure might take several sessions.
Who is a Suitable Candidate for Permanent Eyeliner?
Not everyone is an ideal candidate for an eyeliner tattoo. Individuals with certain medical conditions, such as active eye infections or allergies to tattoo pigments, may not be suitable candidates. Pregnant or breastfeeding women are also typically advised to wait until after this period for cosmetic treatment. Additionally, those with unrealistic expectations about the results might not be suitable candidates. It's important to consult with our qualified technicians to assess your suitability based on your individual circumstances."

Permanent eyeliner is suitable for individuals looking for a long-lasting eyeliner solution. A consultation with a qualified technician helps assess your suitability and discuss your expectations.